Mindful Agreements

A guide for how we conduct ourselves at meetings and in the WhatsApp group.

★  who is this for?

This group is for Women Entrepreneurs, women who work for themselves or have their own business or for women who are planning on setting up their own business.

★  tap into the collective wisdom

This group is to ask advice, run ideas past and request recommendations for services that you might need relating to your business. It’s somewhere you can learn new tools and strategies, in order to thrive.

★  ask for help

An important part of having a thriving business is also how we show up to it. The group is here to offer support when you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, when you’re struggling with motivation perhaps or when you feel stuck with a problem and aren’t sure how to tackle it. Or maybe you are exploring a new direction in your business and would like some brain storming from the members.

★  NO selling

This group is about offering and receiving support and wisdom. It is not a normal networking group. If you want to reach out to someone in the group afterwards to find out about their service or product, of course please do, or you can look them up in the Members Directory but don’t approach someone offering your services. We like our selling free zone, it’s a breath of fresh air. And it means you can relax and just BE without the hustle. Please also no sharing of memes, quotes, photos or videos.

★  privacy

Do not directly message other members in the group unless they have invited you to.

★  Confidentiality

Please keep the details of our conversations private. We want to speak freely about our business and challenges without worrying that it will be shared with people who aren’t in the group.

★  Conflict of interest

Some of you might be in the same field or niche, and you might feel uncomfortable talking about your work with people who you see as potential competitors. Remember that we are all unique, and as we know, people buy from people (and their energy) so there is enough work to go around and support each other, even if you’re in the same field. It could even lead to a great collaboration!

★  Allow yourself to receive

If you’re a coach or practitioner of some sort, I invite you take that hat off, and allow yourself to receive. We all need to feel the support and help of others sometimes and it can be particularly difficult for those who give to others as their profession.

★  Value

It’s common to not value things that are free. So I wanted to take a moment to appreciate the time and energy that everyone has made to join and contribute to this group, and how much value this brings. This includes making sure that if you can no longer make it to a meet up you give 24 hours notice to give another member a chance to use your place. There are very limited spaces at the meet ups so it is important to honour the waiting list.

I’m here if you have any questions.

Warmest, Kate
