Aligning your Business with Your Cycle


Ok I’m going to jump straight in here…

Even though I’ve been menstruating for 3 decades I don’t pay any attention to it when I’m not actually bleeding. I just don’t think it was something I was ever taught to consider.

So as an entrepreneur I was wondering what I might be missing out on here.

If you work for yourself you’ll know the emotional rollercoaster that often comes with running your own business or working for yourself. So if there are novel ways we can ease this, I’m all in.

Below, you’ll learn the different phases of your cycle and how you can best utilise your energy levels for your business during those times.

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle Phases

Here are the four phases, and how you might use this info to optimise productivity and maintain a better work/ life balance.

Managing your energy is key in how productive you are in your business activities. And as you know, aligned action is how your business moves forwards and succeeds.

I’ve added an emoji (see below) in my calendar on the days when each phase starts every month and a note about what I should focus on. It’s an incredibly helpful reminder.

1. Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5) 📖

Hormonal State: Low levels of oestrogen and progesterone.

Energy Levels: Typically lower due to cramps and blood loss.

Business Approach: Suitable for planning and reflection. Engage in lower energy tasks and avoid demanding business meetings or decisions.

2. Follicular Phase (Days 6-14) 💡

Hormonal State: Rising oestrogen, peaking just before ovulation.

Energy Levels: Increase in energy, optimism, and communicative abilities.

Business Approach: Ideal for brainstorming, initiating new projects, and engaging in tasks that require creativity and strategic thinking.

3. Ovulatory Phase (Days 14-16) 💥

Hormonal State: Peak estrogen and a surge in testosterone.

Energy Levels: At peak, enhancing outgoingness and persuasiveness.

Business Approach: Best for high risk negotiations, key presentations, and making important decisions.

4. Luteal Phase (Days 17-28) 🏁

Hormonal State: Rising progesterone, with oestrogen levels that slightly increase then decrease.

Energy Levels: Starts high, diminishes towards the end, with possible PMS symptoms.

Business Approach: Focus on finishing projects, tasks with a lot of details, and wrapping up ongoing commitments. Shift to planning and administrative tasks as energy wanes.

Strategic Integration in Business

Here are some specific ways you can use the information of your cycle in your business activities. The more you feel into this the easier it will become. Be kind to yourself as you play with these ideas, you are unique so you’ll find the ways that work best for you from trial and error.

  • Customised Planning

    Use cycle tracking to align demanding tasks with high-energy phases (follicular and ovulatory) and low-energy tasks (menstrual and late luteal) with periods of reflection and planning.

  • Work Alignment

    Schedule creative, strategic tasks during the follicular phase and critical business evaluations or decisions during the ovulatory phase when confidence is highest.

  • Self Care

    Adjust exercise routines to match energy levels across different phases, and be proactive about mental health, particularly in stress management during the luteal phase. Up your meditation during these times. Allow yourself the time and space you need.

  • Communication

    If appropriate, inform your team or partners about your energy levels and how this might affect work capacity to manage expectations and delegate effectively. Tailor client interactions to capitalise on phases of heightened communicative abilities.

  • Financial Planning

    Engage in any high risk financial planning and evaluation during high hormone phases, but stay present so that you maintain balance and thoroughness in decision making.

  • Use Technology

    Use menstrual cycle tracking apps for better planning and integrate tools for automating or outsourcing tasks during lower energy phases. Clue is a good one.

“So what happens when I have something I can’t reschedule but isn’t aligned with my cycle?” I hear you say…..

Life has a habit of getting in the way. So when it does, take a little extra time to consider what you need to get through. Some ideas are:

  • Take some time for extra planning

  • Communicate how you’re feeling with the people you’re meeting with

  • Ask for help

  • Consider what else will make this easier (what you wear, what you do afterwards etc)

  • Commit to booking things in when it suits you next time

I’d love to know how you get on with these ideas if you try them out. Email me to tell me your experience.

Much love, Kate


Written by Kate Greenslade, Mindfulness Coach

Click here to find out how working with Kate with help you.

Kate Greenslade