Kate Greenslade PCC

Manage Your Inner World

For a Happier Life

When you give your inner world some attention and care and love. Amazing things happen.

Our inner world is where we live. Sure, we interact with external factors, people, things etc… but it’s inside where everything happens.

And this can be a complex world. It can feel messy, busy, overwhelming, confusing, scary and exhausting!

We can hold on to frustrations and grievances from the past, which influences how we behave to loved ones, friends, colleagues, and ourself.

We can feel completely stuck in a life we didn’t choose and don’t enjoy.

So, to get to a place where you’re no longer haunted by difficulties from your past, or to not get overwhelmed with anxiety about what the future holds, seems too good to be true.

I thought that too….. before I started using mindfulness everyday.

When you use the tools and attitudes of mindfulness, you’ll be able to take charge of yourself.

You won’t be thrown around by whatever thought you’re having.

You won’t be drawn into arguments.

You won’t feel the need to justify your behaviour because you’ll feel accepting of who you are.

Your mind won’t feel confused or overwhelmed because you’ll know how to clear it.

And with practice, you’ll be able to live with ease in the present, the here and now, despite anything that’s going on around you.

You’ll be clear about what you want in the future and how to create it.

“You are the love of your life.”

And the most important relationship you’ll ever have is with your mind.

The way you experience your entire life stems from this incredible place. So it’s here that we start the journey of mindfulness and train the mind to think in a way that’s helpful, kind and open.


Client Success Stories

Read more client stories here.


How It Works

The time we spend together is educational, motivating, inspiring, supportive and I hold you accountable to your commitments, with empathy of course. This work is meaningful and transformative, if you’re willing to feel a little discomfort on the journey. No personal growth happens without it.

We meet for 3 x 1 hour zoom calls per month for 3 months. During this time we co-create bespoke toolkit for your specific goals and intentions using mindfulness.

I also send you additional resources like personally recorded meditations that support your specific intentions, book recommendations, podcast episodes, TED talks, papers or studies (if you’re interested in the science behind this work), articles and films.

This all builds a rich picture of how to apply mindfulness into your life for the changes you want to make - and keep!

If you’ve got this far and are reading this, then you are ready for the next chapter of your life.

To take charge, feel better and live the way you truly want to.

And I’m here to guide and support you, every step of the way!


What Makes Working With Kate Unique?

What sets Kate apart from other coaches is that she walks the walk. Kate has embedded mindfulness into her everyday life to improve her relationships, how she shows up to work, how she sees life, and the most important thing, how she sees and treats herself.

Her unique blend of mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, somatic and personalised coaching, tailored to your individual needs.

Kate’s experienced coaching style not only helps with your current challenges but also equips you with lifelong tools for overall wellbeing.


Listen to Kate’s client describe how mindfulness coaching changed his life.

There is no time like the present graphic



If you’re reading this, you probably want something different for your life, something better.

You won’t regret taking this brave step forward.

We only regret the things we don’t do.

Sign up and receive ↓

  • 9 x 60 minute sessions on Zoom to use within 3 months

  • Personalised recorded meditations

  • Additional check-ins in between sessions

  • Tailored resources to support your journey (books, podcasts etc)

  • The investment is £1,000 p/m or 1 payment of £2,550

  • Read the T&C’s here


Leading Your Own Life

We are all in charge of how we spend our days, but it doesn’t always feel that way.

Using mindfulness will give you a clear edge in your leadership journey. It's about being fully present, which makes you the stable centre everyone looks to when business or life gets rough. When you're genuinely present, it's not just you who notices, your team, your investors and your clients feel it too. This presence builds trust and respect, making others more inclined to follow your lead and buy into your vision.

This isn't about just feeling good, it's strategic. Being present and mindful sharpens your focus, enabling you to make decisions swiftly and effectively. This kind of leadership doesn't just inspire confidence, it demands it. Your ability to stay calm and collected doesn't just influence how others perceive you, it directly affects your bottom line, which pave the way for higher earnings and more opportunities to scale.

But the best part is, even if the expected promotions or financial rewards don't come immediately, your sense of inner calm and contentment won't waver. You're building a foundation of confidence that's unshaken by external circumstances, ensuring that you lead from a place of strength, regardless of the situation. Imagine the long term impact on your career and personal life when you approach every challenge with this kind of inner strength and clarity.

How Your Inner Work Positively Effects Others

Another beautiful benefit to practicing mindfulness is how it ripples through your family and loved ones. When you become calmer and more present, those around you often mirror these positive emotions and behaviours. This effect is called Emotional Contagion and is supported by social learning theory, which suggests that people adopt behaviours they observe as beneficial.

As you change, it can improve family dynamics, encourage better communication and deepen emotional connections. Essentially, your personal growth can lead to a healthier, more harmonious family environment, showing the profound impact of individual changes on the collective wellbeing of those you are close to.

Need More Info?

Book a session to get a feel for how mindfulness can help you get what you want from life.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mindfulness Coaching

  • 60 minutes over zoom. You have 3 sessions per month, then you have one week off for integration.

  • Not at all. We begin exactly where you are right now, with whatever it is that you need. It’s a journey and a process. We go one step at a time at a pace that you’re comfortable with.

  • This work is incredibly powerful and my clients experience meaningful change, but in order for it to work, it takes time. This isn’t a quick fix, but it is a lasting one.

    The brain takes a few weeks to create new habits and to change the way we think about something.

    The most effective way to achieve the changes you want it to do the work for 6 months.

    From here you’ll feel these life changing benefits emerging.

    This is not a quick fix. But it is a lasting one.

  • Yes! Mindfulness and mediation has been proven to improve the quality of your sleep. There are many techniques I use with my clients to create the perfect mental and physical environment for sleep, but also to know what to do when you can’t sleep.

  • Your privacy and confidentiality is prioritised. Every session is confidential and your personal information is saved in accordance with GDPR and treated with the highest level of confidentiality.